In English

Hermes speaks nine languages

At the end of May, the Industrial Union published the app Teollisuusliiton Hermes. It provides updated information about working and living in Finland.
In English

Plan to sideline competence

Finland’s right-wing government plans to change local bargaining by sidelining shop stewards and make it possible, in some cases, to cut pay.
In English

Weaker employment security for smaller companies

The Orpo-Purra Government is abolishing the obligations set out in the act on Co-operation within Undertakings for companies with less than 50 employees.
In English

Cuts for all

The Orpo-Purra Government’s drastic cuts in Finnish unemployment security endanger the existing system of temporary lay-offs.
In English

Seasonal work made less attractive

Unemployment security will undergo several changes this year. Unfortunately, not for the better, as the Orpo-Purra right-wing Government is determined to cut benefits.
In English

Who suffers from the cuts?

The new Finnish right-wing Government’s austerity measures are designed to make life more difficult for those who have become unemployed or being laid off temporarily.
In English

Harsh plans aimed at immigrants

The Government Programme lists several pages of measures that would negatively affect foreign born people living in Finland or planning to move here.
In English

Cherry-picking labour laws

The new Finnish right-wing Government plans radical changes to labour legislation. Their grand plan is clearly designed to tip the balance of power in workplaces.
In English

We have the right to strike

The right to strike is one of the most crucial instruments in the trade union movement’s toolbox. It is the last resort for wage and salary earners.
In English

Decent work for everyone

Solidarity is an important part of the DNA of the trade union movement. Not only for members in their own countries, but also for the poor and exploited people around the world.

Congress delegates: Union must be strong and transparent


Many topics to discuss in the Congress


Introducing the Hermes app – a new advocacy tool


Two Industrial Union MPs


Union elections made the union stronger
