Union elections made the union stronger
More than 53,000 members voted in the Industrial Union elections. They elected 442 delegates to represent members at the Industrial Union congress in Tampere in May 2023.
This makes the voter turnout 43.2 per cent, which is a good result in union elections. Especially as these were the first union elections for the Industrial Union and there are tens of thousands of new members since the last elections, the Union President Riku Aalto stresses.
The First Vice President Turja Lehtonen points out that employers closely follow voters’ activity. This voter turnout underlines the strong justification for representing members and for collective bargaining, Lehtonen says.
Yhteistyön Tekijät, the alliance of Social Democrats and non-aligned, got 64.2 per cent of the votes. Share of the votes of Teollisuuden Vaikuttajat, the alliance of Left Alliance and non-aligned, was 35.7 per cent. The rest, 0.1 per cent, went to the alliance of the Centre Party and non-aligned.
This voter turnout underlines the strong justification for representing members and for collective bargaining.
The most active voters were in the ore mines industry and oil, gas and petrochemical products industry, voter turnout was 55.9 per cent in both.
Yhteistyön Tekijät was strongest in the fur products branch, salaried employees in graphical industry and rural industries – in these they were the only ones putting up candidates. In the textile and fashions branch they got 87.7 per cent of votes.
Teollisuuden Vaikuttajat was most popular in the ore mines industry, 77.6 per cent of votes. In the rubber industry their share of votes was 70.2 per cent and in landscaping and horticultural branches 61.7 per cent.
Of those 442 elected, 334 are men (75.6 per cent) and 108 women (24.4 per cent). There are 43 representatives (9.7 per cent) under the age of 36.
The highest number of votes, 327, got Satu Heijari from the Varsinais-Suomi electoral district and Yhteistyön Tekijät. Mathias Pukkila from Vaasa electoral district got 288 votes, he is also from Yhteistyön Tekijät. Third most votes were gained by Jari Leskisenoja from the ore mines industry and Teollisuuden Vaikuttajat.